If you have ever been to the HRDC office in Hardin, you have met Rose. Rose Iron has been working at the front desk in Hardin for several years, and has been the first source of program information for anyone who walks in. Rose’s knowledge of HRDC programs is more than just part of her job, it is part of her life.

“It actually all started several years ago when my son applied for and got accepted into the youth program.” says Rose. “I thought what a wonderful opportunity they are giving to the youth.” Since then, she has had another son go through the Youth program. She has also participated in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) and Section 8 Housing.

Rose and her family were also impressed by the mission of HRDC, as she recalls her husband’s first experience while volunteering at the Street Outreach Shelter in Hardin. “One day a gentleman and others came in and toured the building and talked with my husband. It was Carl Visser-The former CEO of HRDC. (He) was very moved that the CEO of HRDC would come and tour the Shelter and not only that but gave resources for renovation of the laundry and shower rooms. Carl’s actions spoke louder than any words of support.”

Rose’s goal is to make everyone’s experience coming into the HRDC Hardin office as pleasant as the first time she came in as a client.


HRDC programs participated in: