Eligibility for ESG Homeless Prevention

Homeless Prevention support is available for households with an eviction notice to vacate their home. Households with an annual income below 30% of AMI; who does not have sufficient resources or support networks immediately available to prevent them from moving to an emergency shelter; and must meet additional eligibility criteria.


In order to qualify for this program, applicants must have:

  • An Eviction Notice and Proof of Lease
  • Social Security cards for everyone in the household
    • Photo ID’s for everyone over 18 years old in the household
  • Proof of Additional Benefits
    • SNAP, TANF, Child Support, Veteran Benefits, etc.
  • Income verification or a zero income statement for everyone over 18 years old in the household.
  • Bank Statements for everyone over 18 years old in the household.

For more information

Call (406) 247-4710 or Email info@hrdc7.org

Eligibility for ESG Rapid Re-Housing

Rapid Re-Housing helps a homeless individual or family move into permanent housing and achieve stability in that housing. Interested applicants must meet HUD standards of homelessness to qualify. this includes Individuals or families who lack a stable and adequate nighttime residence, such as:

  • Primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place, such as: a vehicle, a park, an abandoned building, bus or train station, airport or camping ground;
  • Living in a supervised publicly or privately operated temporary shelter;
  • Exiting an institution where he or she resided for 90 days or less and who resided in an emergency shelter or place not meant for human habitation immediately before entering that institution;
  • Attempting to flee domestic violence and has no other residence or who lacks resources and support networks to obtain permanent housing,

If the criteria above is met please call our office. (406) 247-4732 to set up a housing intake assessment.


If approved for the program, you must have:

  • Verification of homelessness from a 3rd party
  • Social Security cards for everyone in the household
    • Photo ID’s for everyone over 18 years old in the household
  • Proof of Additional Benefits
    • SNAP, TANF, Child Support, Veteran Benefits, etc.
  • Income verification or a zero income statement for everyone over 18 years old in the household.
  • Bank Statements for everyone over 18 years old in the household.


General Relief is an assistance program available to eligible individuals without dependents, to provide rental assistance while they are waiting for approval of Supplemental Security Income/Social Security Disability (SSI/SSDI). In order to be eligible for services you have to meet the following criteria:

  • No income in the household;
  • A resident of Yellowstone County for at least90 days;
  • Receiving food stamp benefits;
  • Have a disability that can be medically verified;
  • Have applied for SSI/SSDI, but have not been approved yet.

Available Services

Services include rental and utility assistance, not to exceed the monthly income standards.

Where to find an application

Applications can be picked up at our main office or you can call and request an application be mailed to you. You can also download an application at the link below:

Can you pay rent to my family if I am living with them?

No, this program does not allow us to pay rent to family members.

Is this assistance a loan? Am I required to pay it back?

If you are approved for SSI/SSDI, the Social Security Administration will pay the assistance back to HRDC on your behalf, if you receive a back pay for the months you received assistance. If you are denied benefits by an Administrative Law Judge no repayment is owed.

For more information

Call (406) 247-4732 or Email info@hrdc7.org

This project is funded in whole or in part under a Contract with the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services. The statements herein do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department.