New Contract Holder for Provider Services

For child care provider support and technical assistance, SPARK Montana has launched their website, view by clicking here. Be sure to check the site for updates and information regarding services.

New contract holders for Best Beginnings Scholarship

Family Connections, Great Falls: 406-761-6010

  • Big Horn, Carter, Custer, Fallon, Golden Valley, Musselshell, Powder River, Rosebud, Treasure, and Yellowstone counties.
  • New Best Beginnings Applicants living in this service area can apply here

Child Care Resources, Missoula: 406-728-6446

  • Carbon, Stillwater, Sweet Grass and Wheatland counties.
  • New Best Beginnings Applicants living in this service area can apply here

child care

Currently, HRDC is listed as the Billings location for fingerprinting services with Spark Montana.

Appointments for finger printing services are available starting February 5th. Click below to book your appointment now!

In an effort to reduce the costs of child care while ensuring children receive healthy and nutritious meals, enrolled child care providers are given financial reimbursements for serving meals meet Federal nutritional guidelines, outlined in the CACFP meal pattern.

Meal Reimbursement Standards

Participating providers may be approved to claim up to two meals and one snack, or two snacks and one meal, per day, per child.

Required Trainings & Site Visits

Participants are required to participate in two mandatory trainings annually.

  • 2 hour regulations training includes a review of CACFP requirements, recordkeeping, payments and civil rights.
  • 2 hour nutrition training includes CACFP meal patterns, menus, recipes, and food safety.
  • CACFP Coordinators visit each participants’ site a minimum of three times a year.

How to Enroll

Family and Group Home providers can call the Child Care Department at (406) 247-4732 to apply. Child Care Centers must apply through the state department or call 888-307-9333. Facilities must be licensed to qualify for CACFP.

For more information

Call (406) 247-4732 or Email

CACFP is provided by the USDA and administered through the Montana Department of Health and Human Services CACFP program. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. USDA is an equal opportunity employer.

*HRDC will continue the Child and Adult Food Program (CACFP) regardless of the transitioning of other services. All other services provided through HRDC will remain operational. Call our main office at 406-247-4732 or email with any questions.